You might not have thought about it before. Sometimes, in a legal situation, the language barrier can appear as a big issue. It can prove a hurdle for a good decision of your case.

If you’re speaking in front of a jury, judge or any legal institution, even a slight language problem can turn into the biggest disadvantage for you.

Now you might be pondering, how to overcome this issue? How to make certain that your statement is thoroughly understood. Well! Finding a reliable legal translation service can be a smart move for you.

Though you can ask your friend, relative or family member to take the role of your interpreter yet it is not as simple as you’re thinking. To become a perfect interpreter they must have a deep understanding of both languages and legal terms as well. They should be able to interpret each and every legal word which does not seem an easy task.

Therefore, you should hire a reliable interpreter who is enough capable to execute this task effectively. Make sure he/she keeps the good understanding of both languages and legal terms.

Below the few most common legal terms you would like to get familiar with.


It is a written statement, which is affirmed by oath. It is used as evidence in court.


It is a formal notice from a person that expresses dissatisfaction. It is usually based upon a violation of a law or legal term.


The term is used when a debtor is free from liability for debts.


It is an oral statement which is made by an authorized officer. The main purpose of these statements is to examine potential witnesses.


Impeachment is a legal term, which is used when the testimony of a witness is found fabricated or if it is under a doubt.


An interpreter is a translator who is accountable for translating spoken words from one language to another in court trials and hearing. He/she helps a person to understand everything happening in the proceeding.


It is a property, which is served as a guarantee of payment of a debt.


It is a dignified affirmation, to tell the truth in oral or written statement.


This term is a formal accusation for the charge of a serious crime.

Secured debt-

Secured debt is a debt, which is backed by a mortgage or lien.


It is a document, which is issued by a legal official to police officers or any other legal body to search premises, make an arrest or take some other action associated to the enforcement of their duty.

Wage Garnishment-

Most of the time, wage garnishment is ordered by a court. In this legal procedure, the creditor is allowed to collect the money owed by a debtor through withholding debtor’s salary or other income.

Wrapping Up

We hope, this post gave you a better understanding of some crucial legal terms. If you’re not in the field, you must hire a professional assistance to resolve your legal issues.